Naturally Nourished

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Welcome to The Naturally Nourished Collective!

To all our beautiful followers and extended Soul Mates, Welcome!  

Opening this business has been a long time coming for me after being in the world of Natural Health for nearing over three years now. I am doing my BHSc Nutritional Med and my major is Naturopathy through ACNT. It is what I live, breathe and love. It has become my biggest passion and something that I feel very greatful for being involved in. So the fact that you are here, experiencing and sharing your journies with me warms my heart more than you will ever know.  

So what are we about at The Naturally Nourished Collective? We are about providing you with as much information related to Natural Health as possible. I wan't this place to become your 'Go To' when you think - I wonder if I should change my Toothpaste to a natural one? We are heading out this weekend, lets find a nice place to eat (That won't hurt our hip pocket or our hips!), or when you say - Today is hard and I need help, support and or motivation. Our aim is to support you regardless of what part of the Natural Health Journey you are on.  

We have a growing directory of Businesses that are in Natural Health. Now this isn't a list I'm aiming at making 10,000 businesses strong. This is a list of businesses that I wholeheartedly love and believe in. And most importantly, I believe that they will do right by you!  These businesses have been chosen specifically for their amazing products, and services but also for the relationship that I have with them. I refuse to purchase anything from somewhere with bad customer service. Therefore I most certainly will not refer you to them, and I stake my reputation on this. 

On our website, I will also be housing and referring you to some of the products that I use and absolutely adore! I would also love your input! If you find a product that you consider a must - have - let me know so we can add it to our database and help others find it! 

You will also have access to my recipe blog. These are all recipes I have formulated myself based on my years of eating Paleo, Ketogenic, and Whole Food Plant Based meals. They are all anti inflammatory, Gluten Free and Dairy Free and I would absolutely love to hear your feedback! Whenever I use an item, please know that we always use Organic produce and meats, and condiments are almost ALWAYS Organic. I Hope along the way that I can teach you going Organic doesn't have to be so expensive. So stick with me and I'll hook you up!

I will also be providing you links to people that I believe you need to know in your quest to better health. This list will also be ongoing as I find more figureheads. So while we are up and running and you might be thinking 'is this all this is' please keep checking back because as time progresses and we try new things, learn new things and meet new people, I will be adding to our wonderful database here - to benefit you.  

You will also see a 'Collective Blog'. This is my own personal story of putting Auto Immune Disease into remission, a long with articles myself and my super fantastical journalist sister has written on people who have made the change to a natural life, or are in the crux of making the change. I want you to have people you can relate too. The ups, the downs, the successes and the losses. It is important that you know that everything is relative, and the best form of learning I believe is from listening to those that are on the same trail - but perhaps just a little bit ahead of where you are. We will also have some amazing guest bloggers from our Collective of businesses - this is surely to keep you guys in the know on the latest and greatest!

So I hope you love us, and when you don't love us I hope you tell us so we can improve.  

In a world that is so quickly changing, and growing up so fast, it's hard to know when we are actually making our own decisions, or when they are being made for us. I hope you are as excited to be here as me and I truly wish you and your loved ones all the health, happiness and prosperity this world has to offer.  

I am happy to answer any questions you may have. I have put two out of three auto immune diseases into remission ( However I only began to show my Lupus Antibodies ) and I am always happy to share what I've learnt through my journey, as well as through my schooling. So if you have ANY questions please inbox me and I'll do my best to help. If I can't, I'll try and find someone who can!

So on that note, Welcome and remember, Eat Food, Not too Much, Mostly Plants.