Well! Another week of brushing has passed!
I'm sad to say that two days this week (Monday & Tuesday) I wasn't able to do my dry brushing. And when I say I wasn't able too, of course I mean I forgot. This week has been so hectic. I turn 30 in two weeks, we have a dear friends wedding in Blairgowrie this weekend, next weekend is Hubbo's Christmas break up for work, and the babies are teething, one is sick, and little Mr 3 has decided to enter the stage of 3 nanger all at once. I feel like I haven't stopped. So admittedly my self care slipped for a couple of days.
I have to admit, I am absolutely loving dry brushing. Every morning it means hubbo looks after the kids before he goes to bed (night shift worker) and I get to go to the bathroom, brush, shower and get ready for the day. It's actually really nice to have that time to myself and have somewhat of a routine! The last two mornings I have really missed it. Today I stopped with the excuses and was straight back into routine, but I have to admit that my skin has suffered.
It isn't bad like it was, but it isn't great. I still put the Jojoba on my affected areas while I wasn't dry brushing, and I'm not sure if that was the right call. I assume not removing the dead skin and keratin didn't help because my arms especially are a little more rough today than they have been the whole two weeks so far. So I'm disappointed and very grateful I chose a dress with long sleeves for the wedding this weekend!
So after brushing today, I'm feeling energised and back on track and motivated to not let this happen again as I've already seen the undoing that can be done by not exfoliating.
I have taken some photos again for you guys so you can understand the difference between week one and this week and hope you can see the draw backs from stopping brushing from this week to last. It goes to prove if you do have keratosis pilaris, you NEED to be active in it's treatment of exfoliation and stick to it to remove the dead skin and over produced Keratin.
It's a bit of a pain, but I guess in the long run, I would prefer this to something like Eczema or Psoriasis. It's the lesser of all evils.
I guess having this set back really shows the improvement dry brushing makes to skin! I would also like you guys to have a close look at the colour in my skin. Apart from the Keratosis Pilaris and it's red scarring, take note of my legs and how purple they used to be. I have noticed that Dry brushing has really helped with my circulation and improved it DRAMATICALLY! So not only would I recommend this treatment for skin conditions, but I would also recommend it if you suffer poor circulation.
So here we go! Pics from completed Week Two - Heading strongly into week three.
I still can't get over the difference from week one. It was SO bad!
Still pretty happy with my arms given the car wreck they were before, however notable lumps came back from stopping brushing.
This week I notice more on my forearms than I have during the period I have been dry brushing.
The colour difference on my thighs are amazing! I don't actually look purple anymore!
As you can see in all the pictures, my circulation has improved dramatically! and while my keratosis pilaris is still better than it was at the start, it isn't as good as it could have been if I made sure to dry brush every day!
If you want to get in contact with Rebecca from Bodecare, just Click HERE to view or purchase their products and reach out to Bec with any questions you may have!