Recipes 2

Mint, Chocolate & Hemp Bliss Balls


I am so so so excited to bring you this recipe! Why? Because this recipe was created to celebrate our newest member of our collective, ATP Science.

If you aren’t sure what ATP are all about, head on over to their bio in our collective and check them out. Lets just say that, if you are looking to support or regain your health, take sports supplements, or need assistance with weight loss - ATP can help you out.

SO! Enough of that and on with the show.

I created these bad boys for a couple of reasons! 1 - because we are celebrating our newest connection as mentioned above, and 2 - because I am having a week off my usual Paleo Keto Diet, and have switched back to just Paleo for the week or so. Its nice to have a bit of a mental break sometimes and switch things up. While I only eat Whole foods to maximise nutrient density regardless of what ‘diet’ im following, it’s still a good idea to switch up how you eat every now and then and incorporate different foods in your diet from time to time. Eating an array of different foods helps to give you a more diverse gut microbiome. In a nutshell - the more species of bugs you have in your gut, the more protection you have from various bacterias and viruses, and the more varieties of foods in your diet is what will help determine the amount of different species taking up residency in your gut.

Most people find a way to live that they love, that works for them and makes them feel good - and they follow it endlessly and that’s fine. However in our house, we try as hard as possible to eat with the seasons. This way of eating is called Autumnal Eating. It means that we eat only what is in season and as per our ancestors, we go in and out of Paleo Keto, and Keto. There were periods of the year where fruit and vegetables were scarce and our ancestors relied solely on eating meats and fats with some plants. Eating this way saw our ancestors be fuelled by ketones. And then once the spring and summer months hit and fruits and vegetables were in abundance, they would eat a higher carbohydrate diet, and they ran on glycogen for energy. So needless to say, when its time to switch up the diet with the change of seasons, or because of a mental break - the cook books come out, and I like to get my baking on!

In the last week we have enjoyed so many beautiful foods including our very own Sweet Potato Breakfast Brownies! (For the recipe, click HERE) I seriously forgot how good they were until I made them again. And not to mention what a great way to get your kids to eat their vegetables!

So these Bliss Balls aren’t your average Bliss Balls. They’re made with some ingredients that mean they’re really only suitable for Adults BUT you can make some small changes to make them kid friendly and ill mention those changes in the recipe so you can make the changes that suit you if need be. These Beautiful balls of pure bliss contain EAA’s (Essential Amino Acids) and ATP’s AMP-V. “AMP-V …. is formulated to help you burn fat more effectively when you exercise and as an appetite suppressant between meals. The net result is greater fat loss and improved energy. AMP-V is also an excellent source of Omega 3,5,6,7 and 9 essential fatty acids …….. Specially, AMP-V aids in the release of fatty acids from your stored fat. Thus, it is advisable to take AMP-V first thing in the morning before you hit the gym, hit the road for a run or walk or take on any physical challenge you wish! After an 8-hour sleep, you haven’t eaten for hours and you are usually burning some fat for fuel, this is our best opportunity to stimulate fat burning if you exercise first thing in the morning. When used with an effective diet and exercise strategy AMP-V helps you access your stored fat so you can achieve your fat loss goals faster and easier.”

So yes, you can take AMP-V fasted to boost your bodies fat burning, however you can also incorporate it into various foods like these amazing balls because the ingredients in AMP-V also serve other purposes. As mentioned above, its is filled with all your essential fatty acids, but also contains peppermint oil which may help with respiratory issues including but not limited to athsma etc. Peppermint oil is fantastic at relaxing the air ways which improves oxygenation of the blood.

These little balls of bliss have so many hidden health benefits and are a great low fat source of fuel to fuel you pre work out! Hemp Seeds to add to the array of micronutrients, EAA to help with muscle recovery and AMP-V to help with thermogenesis throughout your work out mean these beauties are PERFECT to have just before a training session!

Ill stop talking now because I feel like you’re getting impatient and just thinking “WHERE’S THE DAMN RECIPE WOMAN?!” So give them a try, and as always, let me know what you think in the comments!

(***This post contains affiliate links from businesses in our collective, which means we may earn a small commission if you buy something, but that’s ok because we only endorse products and businesses that meet our strict guidelines anyway… we just thought you should know xx)



(Makes 25 Balls. Approx 10 Serves)

25g Raw Cocoa Powder

4ml AMP-V By ATP Science ( This is the Peppermint Flavouring - for children friendly recipe add Peppermint Essense) To purchase AMP-V click HERE

20g EAA’s (Essential Amino Acids - Omit for children friendly Recipe)

500g Dates

30g Hemp Seeds (to purchase Hemp seeds Click HERE)

Pinch of Salt

What to do:

In a high powered blender or food processor add all of the ingredients ( I use the food processor attachment to my Nutri Ninja )

Turn on a medium speed and let it blend until the ingredients form a ball.

At the start, the processor will chop all of the ingredients finely and blend them. Keep processing the products and eventually all of the ingredients will form into a ball resembling dough. When this has happened turn the processor off.

Take the blades out of the processor and get a container.

Portion the ‘dough’ into 25 portions and using your hands roll into balls.

Place into the container and put in the fridge to firm up. (try not to eat them before they go into the fridge as hard as it is!)


***I recommend having a serve of these Balls of Bliss just before embarking on a gym work out***