Recipe Book

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Baby Food - Mango, Spinach, Zucchini with Flax & Chia


So I think I am giving up on trying to find a nice way to present baby food, until I manage to find cute little glass jars. Despite the fact that this picture has an inability to not make you want to go ahead and grab a spoon, this mix is a really nutritious meal for baby. 

Flaxseed and Chia have so many health benefits that are great for adults and everyone in-between, but in particular for the growing brain in infants. Good fats provide an amazing source of energy as well as fat soluble vitamins like DHA which helps to support healthy brain and eye development and an amazingly healthy immune system.

If you read the recipe blog for Pear, Pea & Chia, you would probably remember me saying in there that my Maternal Child Health Nurse advised against giving Chia seeds until 8 months as it can POTENTIALLY cause constipation. The way I see it, lessen the dose of chia seeds and make sure they're soaked and absorbed a liquid before giving to baby, so they still reap the reward of their nutrition, without creating an issue with the bowel. To be honest I'm a bit confused as to why she would say they can cause constipation as chia seeds are also high in fibre which should bulk the stool. So in my next appointment I will clarify this with her. I have been giving my twin infants Chia seeds since they started solids at 6 months, and they are loving them and have had no issues. 

I'll also never understand why you would avoid giving them this rich source of fibre and good fats, yet they feel its acceptable to feed infants Rice Cereal Baby Mum-MuM packaged products. For those of you that don't know, Rice is sprayed with arsenic to rid Rats from crops. So when you eat rice, unless it's organic, you are also consuming some arsenic. That's a disaster! Why would they recommend we feed this to our children? So that's apparently ok to feed our infants, but healthy chia seeds aren't. And this is why I now do my own thing and just feed my kids what I eat. A good balance of meat, fish, nuts, seeds, eggs, fruit and Veg. It really couldn't be simpler. The thing is, us parents get all in our heads. It's a constant battle of 'Are we teaching them enough?' 'Are we paying them enough attention?' 'What do we feed them?' 'How much is too much?' 'How much is not enough?' and quite frankly, I'm sick of it. Children don't come with a manual so I'm doing what I do and I'll learn from mistakes I make along the way. 

What I love about this recipe is it is great for breakfast and lunch and even dinner really. It's got a bit of fruit happening so it's beautiful and refreshing for them in the morning, and who honestly doesn't love fresh mango? and with good fats that will sustain energy throughout the day you can't go wrong with this for breakfast. But if you decide on it for lunch or dinner, you know that they are getting protein and vitamins from the seeds and veg as well. It really is a win. However, the thing I love most about this recipes is the fact that it takes about 10 minutes to prepare. Around 4 hours to let the seeds to their 'thang' but 10 minutes. That means I make it the night before, and it's there in the morning ready to rock and roll. 

I used to make this for my first born son as well and he loved it. Now the twins love it. So I'm going out on a whim here and going to say that your babies will love it too. And if they don't try and try again. 

Now if you are feeding from 4 months, I would blend this much more fine until it resembles a puree. However because my babies are nearing 8 months I like to pulse the food in my Nutri ninja and make sure it still has lumps because it's important they learn texture and how to chew. 

As this recipe contains chia seeds, it does need time for the seeds to soak up the fluid and 'set'. Please don't give your baby seeds that are not yet soaked as they soak up liquid in the gut and this can cause bowel irritation (perhaps this is where the constipation comes in?) Always make sure when giving chia to your child, that they have already absorbed liquid. And as per usual, please use organic ingredients where possible. Their bodies are so little and we really need to make sure we aren't filling them with pesticides and nasty chemicals from crop sprays. Especially as this recipe calls for Raw Spinach and Zucchini, you want to make sure they are as close to nature as humanly possible. 

I would love to hear your feedback from your littles ones if you make this. So as always, let me know how you go!


Serves -  2 to 4 - Depending on Age. 

Time : 10 m + 4 Hours setting time. 

What you need:

1 Organic Mango

1 Handful Organic Raw Spinach Leaves

1/2 Organic Raw Zucchini

1 Tablespoon Organic Flaxseeds

1 Tablespoon Organic Chia Seeds

High Speed Blender like Nutri Bullet, Blender or Ninja.


What to do:

Cut the cheeks off your mango, and scoop the flesh into your blender. Peel the skin off the seed and cut as much flesh off the seed as you can (or eat the flesh off the seed yourself.... like I do... no judgement)

Wash and cut your Zucchini - Leave the skin on as this has great fibre content. Grab a handful of your spinach leaves and wash thoroughly. Squeeze the leaves to rid the excess water and place the Zucchini and Spinach in the blender with the mango. 

Add your Flax and Chia seeds and Blend until either a puree forms, or until it is small enough for the age of your infant. 

Place in an air tight container and use within two days, or freeze in individual freezer pots for up to a month. 

Happy Baby, Happy Parents. 
