Recipe Book

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Cacao Chia Pudding with Raspberry Sauce


Get excited guys. Like Seriously get excited.  

Chia pudding is the bomb. Is it a dessert? Is it breakfast? Is it afternoon tea? It's everything! And it's so delicious and healthy if done right! 

I know what you're thinking about that picture! That it looks amazing! And I know you're thinking that because this little beauty caught lots and lots of attention on the beloved Instagram page.  

I absolutely hate hot weather. I think it sucks. I'm pretty sure the only good thing about it is Mangos...and this year... move over cacao Chia pudding and make way for coconut and Mango Chia pudding. Once I find my first Mango for the year, that is it's destiny. 

You probably know that Cacao is good for you. Some of you may know it's good for you but not actually understand why.  

Cacao is filled with many vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimal health.  

You know when you crave chocolate? Well one of the minerals that Cacao is known for having is Magnesium. If you're a person that follows the principle of 'Food is Medicine', then you'll know that when you are craving chocolate, you can look past the cravings and know that you are needing Magnesium.

In my studies I think one of the most handy things I learnt was what certain food cravings mean. Are you craving something sweet? You need Chromium. Are you craving chocolate? You need Magnesium. Etc. Knowing these things has really taught me a lot about myself. If we go back to basics and start listening to our bodies again, we actually get to the point where we know what we need and are more likely to follow through on what we NEED rather than what we are craving for. Cravings are also driven by our gut bacteria... but that's a discussion for another time. 

I haven't actually had a hankering for chocolate in a long time. The last time I did, I was pregnant with Twins. It didn't matter how many supplements of magnesium I took, the gels I rubbed in on and around me and bath salts I sat in, I just constantly wanted more chocolate. Probably because, well you know... I was growing two humans. But once I gave birth and all went back to normal, those cravings were gone and I had OD'd on so much magnesium I had the runs... TMI I know but everyone loves a good clean out... so it was a win win.  


So I've gone slightly astray now reading back on that... and possibly a little TOO in depth given this is a food blog after all... so I'll get on with the recipe. Just letting you know though... as much as you probably want to burn your eyes out right now for reading that last bit, I regret nothing. hah!

Please PLEASE leave some comments for me after you've tried this recipe! The Raspberry sauce is just to DIE for and I would love to know what you all think! The juggling act is getting the raspberry to Banana ratio right. If you banana is too big then your sauce will taste more like banana so you will need to add more raspberry. The banana actually acts as the thickening agent as it has resistant starch in it. It's not there to act as a flavouring so if you can taste it, then you need more raspberries. 


Serves - 3 -

Time - Min 4.5 hours

What you need: 


3 Tablespoons Chia Seeds 

1 Cup Milk of Choice ( I chose Almond for this as it pairs well with Cacao ) 

1/2 Vanilla Bean  

1 Teaspoon Manuka Honey ( for Vegan sub with pure Maple )

1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon 

2 Tablespoons Raw Organic Cacao 

 Raspberry Sauce

1/2 Cup Frozen Organic Raspberries 

1/2 Refrigerated Banana 

Toppings of Choice 


What to do:

In a food processor, (or anything that can mix a dry substance well into a liquid) place all the ingredients for the pudding. Blend or pulse. I did mine in the food processor attachment in the Nutri Ninja. Only pulse it until the cacao is combined properly through the milk. If you do it by hand, the cacao ends up in lumps and when you bite into it, the little pocket will burst and it will be dry cacao on the inside.  

Pour into a bowl, cover in cling film and sit in the fridge for minimum four hours.  

Once the chia seeds have absorbed the liquid, portion into cups or bowls and make your raspberry sauce.  

In a machine like a Nutri ninja or Bullet, place your raspberries and cold banana and blend until light and fluffy.  

Super Easy. Super Quick (apart from the setting time of the pudding) 

Layer in the glass or bowl and top with your fave things! 

Whoever said eating healthy was time consuming was so wrong!


