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Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man (Chocolate) and this woman (Peanut Butter) in holy matrimony.
Chocolate, do you take this nutty, smooth woman to be your wife, to live on top of her, to love her for her bold taste and ability to cause anaphylaxis, to honour her ability to be both sweet AND savoury, to comfort her when she's upset that he nearly killed a bunch of people, and to keep her in line to remain square, forsaking all others, until someone eats you? - 'I do'.
Peanut Butter, do you take this tall, dark, rich, smooth man to be your husband, to live together, underneath his thick gooey layer, to love his boldness to honor his status amongst chocolate lovers, to comfort him about his weight and ability to melt in the hot sun, and to keep him in deliciousness and in taste, forsaking all others, until someone eats you? - 'I do'
I feel like you're either laughing... or assuming I've just gone full retard here. But what can I say? The Royal Wedding has got me reminiscing of my own wedding, and made me so happy to see love being celebrated on the news and surroundings. Isn't it such a nice change of pace from all the war and hate that we see constantly broadcasted these days!? What a beautiful thing to be able to witness and see in our lifetimes - although I have to admit that it made me sad that Harry is now off the market. The only time I stood a chance with Harry, is if he tried my cooking haha.
So anywayyyyy. You'll seriously want to get on board these bad boys! They are so good AAAAANNNNNDDDD if you're after a more protein filled source, you can sub the coconut flour for your protein powder to give them a bit of a nutritional boost. But, given this isn't a keto recipe and contains Agave Nectar (which is still a sugar) I prefer to keep the calories down.
The good thing about this recipe is if Peanut Butter agrees with you, then you can use it, but if you prefer a paleo approach (We are a Paleo Household however every now and then I indulge in Peanut Butter) you can sub for any nut butter you like. I think these would be AMAZING if made with Hazelnut Butter! Who doesn't love Hazelnut and Chocolate? Yeah thats right, NO ONE and im pretty sure it's fair to say that if you know someone that doesn't like hazelnut and chocolate, that you need to remove them from your life IMMEDIATELY!
Now obviously it's up to you to source some good vegan chocolate, and you are most welcome to use a brand that you personally love! I love Loving Earth's Dark Chocolate, so that's what I made these out of. But if there's something else you prefer, by all means, use that. I have tried to make something similar with Pana Chocolate Blocks, however it just didn't work. The Pana split and went all funky. To keep this recipe raw, and given that the lovely folks at Loving Earth put in a lot of effort to make such a delicious raw product, I think it's only fair that we don't ruin that hard work by over heating this delicious product and ruining what they have tried so hard to preserve. Heating foods internal temperature above 41.7 degrees Celsius starts to ruin the health benefits of many of the foods we consume. So where ever you can, it is beneficial for health to consume as many raw products as possible. Heat destroys foods nutrients and natural enzymes, which is bad because enzymes boost digestion and fight chronic disease so where you can, give your oven and stove a rest, and eat raw foods.
So that being said, melting this chocolate and keeping it in it's raw state is a little fiddly. But you can do it! So follow the recipe as close you can and keep a thermometer at hand.
So on with the show. As per usual, leave me a message if you make this and let me know what you think. I'd love your thoughts.
Don't forget to - Make, Enjoy, Love & Share. xxx
Serves - 10 -
Time - 45 Minutes to make, Plus Chill Time -
What you need:
For the Base:
High Speed Food Processor
Square Dish & Baking Paper
1 Cup Natural Peanut Butter or Nut Butter of Choice ( I made my own, but Mayver's is a great brand )
1/4 Cup Dark Agave Nectar ( You can Sub for Maple )
1/2 Cup Coconut Flour
Pinch Of Salt
1/2 Vanilla Pod ( Optional, but I highly Recommend! )
For the Chocolate:
Food Thermometer
Bowl & Saucepan ( or Double Boiler )
1.5 Cups Loving Earth Raw Dark Chocolate Squares
1/4 Cup Peanut Butter or Nut Butter of Choice
1/4 Cup Tahini
Pinch of Salt
What to do:
Line your baking dish with your baking paper first, and set it to the side so you are ready to rock.
Make the Base first - so in the food processor place in all the ingredients for the base except the agave syrup. Turn the processor on. The Mixture should start dry, and add the syrup slowly until it resembles a thicker form of cake batter. It should be spreadable, but not loose. If your mixture becomes loose before you use up all your agave, then thats great! Stop there.
Using the Spatula, spread it into your baking dish so that it is one even layer and place in the fridge to cool.
Now we need to make our Chocolate Layer.
Make sure your chocolate is Room Temperature before starting to limit the heat you need to melt it. Place water in the saucepan, and place onto the stove on a LOW HEAT. Place your bowl on the top and drop your chocolate in. Use the thermometer, and constantly stir to melt the chocolate. If you notice the heat of the melted chocolate getting to around 35 degrees C, Take the bowl off the top of the saucepan and stir vigorously to get the heat back down, then when the heat is down, place back on the saucepan. Once 3/4 of the chocolate is melted, turn the heat off and the residual heat will melt the rest.
Once melted, add the Peanut Butter, Tahini and Salt and mix until well combined.
Pull out the dish from the fridge and pour the chocolate over and spread with the spatula until evenly covered.
You can dress the top however you like. I just sprinkled some Loving Earth Desiccated Coconut over the top. But let your imagination run wild with how you want to do it.
Place it back in the fridge (NOT THE FREEZER as this can cause the choc to turn white) until set through.
Once Cooled, take out of the baking dish, and slice the uneven edges off (and enjoy them in hiding before you serve the rest to everyone else ;) ) and then slice into Bars, or Squares or whatever you fancy.