Recipe Book

My very own recipe compilation of Anti inflammatory and healing foods and meals. Nutrient dense meals ready to rock your mind, body and kitchen. With some helpful info along the way...

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Passionfruit & Pomegranate Snack Cup - Paleo, Keto, GF, SF, DF

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***This post contains affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase, but thats ok, because we only advertise businesses from our collective that meet our strict health guidelines...and it's what keeps our page up and running***

I have to admit, lately I've been kinda getting over the "meat and veg" part of my lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, I still love this way of eating, but every now and then, just like every one else mumma craves something a little more decadent, and a little more 'naughty'. I don't like naughty food though so this was something awesome to make that feels naughty ... without it actually being naughty. I just said naughty way too much... but I think you get what I mean yeah?

To be fair, this isn't exactly a 'recipe' because it is literally so super simple - it is more of a food idea to give you something else to hide up your sleeve for the days where your basic meals just won't cut it... or if you are perhaps having people over for dinner, and you don't want to miss out on desert. Although I think we are all old enough and ugly enough to hear the ugly truth - you can celebrate and catch up with people WITHOUT feeding your face - but - who am I to judge... if you would like something to take the edge off, or in fact celebrate by spooning delicious things into your mouth cavity, here it is. 

This differs from a lot of the other 'treat' keto recipes you'll find for a few reasons. The first one being that this sexiness in a cup jar thing, is actually quite nutritionally dense. This recipe doesn't rely on artificial sweeteners and fake flavours to make it tasty. The flavours come from fresh seed fruit (relatively low in carbs because they aren't generally foods you would sit down and eat 100's of grams of) and a Fermented Paleo Protein powder - I use RAW Fermented Paleo Protein Powder which you can get if you click HERE.  I urge you to please not choose a whey protein powder. Choose a plant protein powder or a flavourless beef protein powder. Dairy is a known inflammatory trigger when it comes to everyone's health, largely contributing to the rise in chronic health conditions around the world. Did you know - The countries with the largest dairy consumption, also have the highest reported cases of osteoporosis? That's not a coincidence. Consumption of dairy can cause a state of metabolic acidosis. In order to neutralise the acidic environment, the body releases calcium stores from the largest known source which is the bones. Pairing this with the hormones in dairy which actually hinder the absorption of the calcium that is found in dairy products (despite marketing gurus drilling it into us for DECADES that we should drink this white bovine hormone secretion because it is the best form of dietary calcium) means your body is left depleted of its stores which leads to the bone crushing condition. After digestion, absorption, and metabolism, nearly all foods release either acid or bicarbonate (base) into the systemiccirculation. Dairy is net acid producing. You're really hungry for cow puss now aren't you? Wait, I mean dairy?

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The second reason this beautiful little delight differs to other 'ketofied treats' is because most other keto-crap (as I like to call it) is all fat, otherwise known as 'Fat bombs'. Yeah great, they may serve their purpose if you follow medical ketosis, but if your goal is Fat Loss, you want to have a calorie deficit from your fat macro, so your body burns your own stores... ie - If you have fat on your hips, you don't put it on your plate. This is why this recipe is good. It is not overly fatty and therefore is a perfect fit for nutritional ketosis. Because we are also using a protein powder instead of just fat upon fat, we are making sure that we are contributing to the protein macro which is the most important macro of them all. Without consuming adequate protein for our bodies Lean Body Mass, your body can burn its own muscle stores, including organs which is not a good thing! 

Let me get this straight through to you though yeah, because I feel like I can see your brain ticking going "eat MOAR BROTEIN? thats CRAZY! IT WILL TURN TO CAKE AND ALL MY HARD WORK WILL BE RUINED BECAUSE MOAR BROTEIN TURNS TO GLUCOSE!!!!!" So - before you go off on that tangent and start pulling your hair out (although if you don't eat adequate protein now, chances are that shits falling out by itself anyway) and hulking your way through the streets raging and stressing about eating more protein because you've heard how bad that is for you when keto from the several groups of uneducated butter chuggers that have weaselled their way into the keto world, you should know that the process is called gluconeogenesis, and this process is completely demand driven. This means your body will only turn protein to glycogen IF IT NEEDS TOO (and by the way, glycogen is ESSENTIAL for cognitive function...if you have NO glycogen, your brain can't function and you will die, ya hear?). This is why it is important to eat adequate protein per kilo of LBM, because if you don't eat it, and your body needs glycogen, it will result to burning your muscles and/or organs - turns out the bods pretty nifty hey?! So you heard it here.... don't be dumb... and don't be scared of eating protein. Ontop of this reason, protein is the most satiating macronutrient and aids in keeping your fuller for longer AND it is more nutritionally dense than fat, so eating adequate protein keto means you are also getting more Micronutrients, in your Macronutrients (more micros for your macros... get it get it?)

The third reason this little gem is different, is because it's anti inflammatory, and not filled with products that can be harmful to your health such as gluten, grains, dairy and refined sugars. Just because you think you need to lose weight, it doesn't mean you overlook your health. I know a lot of skinny people who eat like arse holes and are the farthest thing from being healthy. So remember, just because your thin, doesn't mean you are healthy. So eat well and make the best choices where you can. 

The Macros I will give you for this single serve please remember are singular to the products that I personally used. If you decide to use a different Coconut Yoghurt, protein powder etc then the macros will vary. So please try and enter them into your tracker (yes! your tracker, humans are terrible at portion control which is why so many of us got fat in the first place! so weigh and track your foods to save yourself from over eating) for the specific products that you use. However, If you decide you are going to use the products I used (which are listed below in the ingredients) the macros are : CARBS 12g FATS 14g PROTEIN 14g

If you are looking for support and information on a Ketogenic Diet - you can join our Facebook Groups Wholefood Keto  and Keto For Beginners Australia - and don't forget to Like and Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more healthy healing recipes, our health and lifestyle blog and to be kept up to date with amazing new natural health businesses coming onto the market!


Time - 5 Minutes - 

Serves - 1 - 





What you need:

Mixing Bowl & Spatula

100g Nakula Natural Coconut Yoghurt

15g RAW Fermented Paleo Protein Powder (Half Serve) BUY IT HERE!

10g Organic Fresh Passionfruit

20g Organic Fresh Pomegranate


What to do:

Its really not rocket science this one!

Measure and weigh your yoghurt and your protein powder out, and mix together in the mixing bowl until thoroughly combined.

Place a layer in the bottom of your jar or cup, then add your measured passionfruit

Add another layer of yoghurt ontop of the passionfruit and then add the pomegranate on the top

best part : EAT IT!






Chocolate & Peanut Butter Slice - Raw, Vegan, GF, DF, Refined Sugar Free, Paleo Option

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***This post contains affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase, but thats ok, because we only advertise businesses from our collective that meet our strict health guidelines...and it's what keeps our page up and running***

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man (Chocolate) and this woman (Peanut Butter) in holy matrimony. 

Chocolate, do you take this nutty, smooth woman to be your wife, to live on top of her, to love her for her bold taste and ability to cause anaphylaxis, to honour her ability to be both sweet AND savoury, to comfort her when she's upset that he nearly killed a bunch of people, and to keep her in line to remain square, forsaking all others, until someone eats you? - 'I do'.

Peanut Butter, do you take this tall, dark, rich, smooth man to be your husband, to live together, underneath his thick gooey layer, to love his boldness to honor his status amongst chocolate lovers, to comfort him about his weight and ability to melt in the hot sun, and to keep him in deliciousness and in taste, forsaking all others, until someone eats you? - 'I do'

I feel like you're either laughing... or assuming I've just gone full retard here. But what can I say? The Royal Wedding has got me reminiscing of my own wedding, and made me so happy to see love being celebrated on the news and surroundings. Isn't it such a nice change of pace from all the war and hate that we see constantly broadcasted these days!? What a beautiful thing to be able to witness and see in our lifetimes - although I have to admit that it made me sad that Harry is now off the market. The only time I stood a chance with Harry, is if he tried my cooking haha. 

So anywayyyyy. You'll seriously want to get on board these bad boys! They are so good AAAAANNNNNDDDD if you're after a more protein filled source, you can sub the coconut flour for your protein powder to give them a bit of a nutritional boost. But, given this isn't a keto recipe and contains Agave Nectar (which is still a sugar) I prefer to keep the calories down. 

The good thing about this recipe is if Peanut Butter agrees with you, then you can use it, but if you prefer a paleo approach (We are a Paleo Household however every now and then I indulge in Peanut Butter) you can sub for any nut butter you like. I think these would be AMAZING if made with Hazelnut Butter! Who doesn't love Hazelnut and Chocolate? Yeah thats right, NO ONE and im pretty sure it's fair to say that if you know someone that doesn't like hazelnut and chocolate, that you need to remove them from your life IMMEDIATELY! 

Now obviously it's up to you to source some good vegan chocolate, and you are most welcome to use a brand that you personally love! I love Loving Earth's Dark Chocolate, so that's what I made these out of. But if there's something else you prefer, by all means, use that. I have tried to make something similar with Pana Chocolate Blocks, however it just didn't work. The Pana split and went all funky. To keep this recipe raw, and given that the lovely folks at Loving Earth put in a lot of effort to make such a delicious raw product, I think it's only fair that we don't ruin that hard work by over heating this delicious product and ruining what they have tried so hard to preserve. Heating foods internal temperature above 41.7 degrees Celsius starts to ruin the health benefits of many of the foods we consume. So where ever you can, it is beneficial for health to consume as many raw products as possible. Heat destroys foods nutrients and natural enzymes, which is bad because enzymes boost digestion and fight chronic disease so where you can, give your oven and stove a rest, and eat raw foods. 

So that being said, melting this chocolate and keeping it in it's raw state is a little fiddly. But you can do it! So follow the recipe as close you can and keep a thermometer at hand. 

So on with the show. As per usual, leave me a message if you make this and let me know what you think. I'd love your thoughts. 

Don't forget to - Make, Enjoy, Love & Share. xxx


Serves - 10 - 

Time - 45 Minutes to make, Plus Chill Time - 


What you need:

For the Base:

High Speed Food Processor

Square Dish & Baking Paper


1 Cup Natural Peanut Butter or Nut Butter of Choice ( I made my own, but Mayver's is a great brand )

1/4 Cup Dark Agave Nectar ( You can Sub for Maple )

1/2 Cup Coconut Flour

Pinch Of Salt

1/2 Vanilla Pod ( Optional, but I highly Recommend! )


For the Chocolate:

Food Thermometer

Bowl & Saucepan ( or Double Boiler )

1.5 Cups Loving Earth Raw Dark Chocolate Squares

1/4 Cup Peanut Butter or Nut Butter of Choice

1/4 Cup Tahini

Pinch of Salt


What to do:

Line your baking dish with your baking paper first, and set it to the side so you are ready to rock. 

Make the Base first - so in the food processor place in all the ingredients for the base except the agave syrup. Turn the processor on. The Mixture should start dry, and add the syrup slowly until it resembles a thicker form of cake batter. It should be spreadable, but not loose. If your mixture becomes loose before you use up all your agave, then thats great! Stop there. 

Using the Spatula, spread it into your baking dish so that it is one even layer and place in the fridge to cool.

Now we need to make our Chocolate Layer.

Make sure your chocolate is Room Temperature before starting to limit the heat you need to melt it. Place water in the saucepan, and place onto the stove on a LOW HEAT. Place your bowl on the top and drop your chocolate in. Use the thermometer, and constantly stir to melt the chocolate. If you notice the heat of the melted chocolate getting to around 35 degrees C, Take the bowl off the top of the saucepan and stir vigorously to get the heat back down, then when the heat is down, place back on the saucepan. Once 3/4 of the chocolate is melted, turn the heat off and the residual heat will melt the rest.

Once melted, add the Peanut Butter, Tahini and Salt and mix until well combined.

Pull out the dish from the fridge and pour the chocolate over and spread with the spatula until evenly covered. 

You can dress the top however you like. I just sprinkled some Loving Earth Desiccated Coconut over the top. But let your imagination run wild with how you want to do it. 

Place it back in the fridge (NOT THE FREEZER as this can cause the choc to turn white) until set through. 

Once Cooled, take out of the baking dish, and slice the uneven edges off (and enjoy them in hiding before you serve the rest to everyone else ;) ) and then slice into Bars, or Squares or whatever you fancy. 







Braised Beef Ribs w Cauliflower Mash - Paleo, Keto

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***This post contains affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase, but thats ok, because we only advertise businesses from our collective that meet our strict health guidelines...and it's what keeps our page up and running***

When you change your lifestyle to incorporate healthy meals, it can be really hard at times. Food has become such an emotional thing for nearly everyone and as a result a lot of times we feel like we are missing out on certain things. The truth is, our bodies aren't 'missing out' when we eat healthier, our brains are. Our brains are missing the emotionally comforting feeling we get from eating something we thoroughly enjoy. I think the hardest part of changing your lifestyle to better our health isn't actually eating healthier foods - it's changing our emotional connection with food and re learning the basics. Think about those times when you're craving something comforting, warming etc. Something that makes your soul and heart happy, that you would sit around the table and enjoy with your loved ones, all quiet enjoying the meal and each others company... It's hard to think that a change in lifestyle means we won't enjoy situations like these anymore. I now eat because I have too. Not because it's something I necessarily want to do. Most of my meals now are so pre planned to fit macros etc, that I end up just eating because I should, not because I want too. Don't get me wrong, I'm hungry, but it's now a need, not a want. On one hand that's fantastic! My emotional connection with food is as real as it should be. Eat to live, not Live to eat. But there are sometimes when I miss that old feeling. The feeling of a satiated soul and seeing the look of content and happiness on my families faces from eating something that I have made that they have thoroughly enjoyed. And that's why I created this recipe. 

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Tonight was amazing, and somewhat like old times. I was able to sit, smell, and watch my beautiful family enjoying a nourishing dinner that was 100% Comforting - and also 100% guilt free. It made my soul smile and my heart full. I was conscious enough during the day to watch my macros, and leave half of them unaccounted for, so I could eat this meal without tracking or weighing portions. I had no carbs all day - so I could enjoy the richness of the Tomatoes in the sauce, and the creamy-ness of the Cauliflower mash. It was so delicious and such a pleasurable experience. I know I won't be tracking food forever, and it's only until I reach my goal, but sometimes you have to feed your heart, just as much as your body, and I honestly believe that's what this recipe does. 

If this was old Corinne making this recipe, there would have been a touch of brown sugar for sweetness, soy sauce and worstechire sauce (yeah I probably spelt that wrong), tomato paste, tomatoes, and a whole bunch of root vegetables with a lot of oil etc. It would have been delicious. But it would also have been a disaster when it came to my families health. Since learning all I have in my four years of study, I think one of the important messages I've learnt is to keep meals simple. Adding one million ingredients to a meal is really hard on digestion, and given so many of us have digestive issues already, I think it's about time we start going a bit easier on our bodies. It is much easier for your body to absorb nutrients from 5 ingredients, than it is to absorb nutrients from 20 ingredients. So keep it simple, and keeping it simple will more often than not, keep it healthy.

You can use any type of stock you want for the braising liquid, however it is SO much nicer using home made bone broth. The richness of broth makes this so much yummier than just using store bought stock. Not to mention, the health benefits of Bone Broth are so good, it's like healing your gut and feeding your soul and body all at once. Who doesn't want to do that?

If you are new to the bone broth game, don't be scared. It is SO easy! Click HERE for my bone broth recipe. It's super simple, and is a fantastic staple for the kitchen. You can reduce it and add spices to turn it into a sauce, you can drink it, turn it into a soup, make spaghetti sauce with it, braising liquids... you name it. It's fantastic and so versatile. Also great if you like to fast, is also a fantastic source of electrolytes and keeps you hydrated. Hell, I've even turned mine into Pho before! So definitely give it a go. Ontop of all of this, broth is the gift that keeps on giving. For example, I used broth as the liquid for braising these beef ribs. I mixed a tin of organic tomatoes, Thyme, Garlic and Tamari. I cooked the Ribs in the liquid. After serving the ribs, some of the sauce dressed the meals, the other I placed into a jar and placed back in the fridge. I now have broth that has beautiful tomatoes and herbs in there and I can store and use that another time! I could reduce it for a sauce, or drink it as a soup. So really, the only limit to broth if your imagination. 

Well! I should crack on with this recipe. As always, let me know what you think by leaving a comment below and don't forget to share with your friends and family. 


Serves - 3 -

Time - 3.5 Hours - 


What you need:


For the Ribs:

Baking Dish

2.5 Cups Bone Broth ( or braising liquid of choice )

1 Tin Organic Diced Tomatoes

1 Teaspoon Thyme

2 Tablespoons Tamari

1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar

9 Beef Short Ribs

Salt & Pepper


For the Mash:

Food Processor/Vitamix

1/2 Head Organic Cauliflower

1 Cup Bone Broth

1 Tablespoon Ghee ( Clarified Butter )

Food Processor 


What to do:


Preheat your oven to 150 Degrees Celsius. Place the bone broth in the baking dish, and if the broth is from cold and set (like jelly) place it into the oven to melt while you prepare the ribs.

Cold Broth in it's Jelly state. Not the Fat from the top of the broth is also included.

Cold Broth in it's Jelly state. Not the Fat from the top of the broth is also included.

Unwrap your ribs and take off any excessive fat and sinew. You can either keep this in the freezer for your next broth, or turf it.

Once the broth has melted, pull you dish out of the oven and mix in your can of diced tomatoes, thyme, tamarind and apple cider vinegar. Mix with a wooden spoon until all combined. Add salt and pepper to taste and then place in your ribs. 

When you've placed the ribs in, turn them over so they are entirely covered in the braising liquid, then place them in the oven. 


Let cook for 1.5 Hours. When time is up, turn the ribs over and place them back into the oven for the remaining 1.5 hours. 

Start preparing your cauliflower. Cut to flourettes ( I used everything from the stalk to the leaves and flourettes) and place in a saucepan. Add the broth and put the lid on. Sit on the stove on low for around 45 minutes. Make sure you keep checking on it to make sure it isn't drying out. If it is, just add a half cup of water at a time to keep it moist so the cauliflower steams right through. 

After 45 minutes, using a sharp knife, push it into the cauliflower and if it goes in easily its ready. Turn the heat off and leave the lid on. If it is still firm, cook until soft. Leave the cauliflower in the saucepan with the lid on until the ribs have 15 minutes to go. 

When you reach the 15 minute mark, the cauliflower should be cool enough to place into a food processor. Add the Ghee, Salt & Pepper and any residual broth from steaming the cauliflower (unless theres more than half a cup). Puree until a mash consistency. 

Pull the ribs out of the oven and let them rest for 5 minutes. 

Dollop the Cauliflower onto the plates, then share out the ribs and top with the beautiful sauce. If you want you could further reduce the sauce on the stove top in a fry pan, but I thought it was delicious a little bit looser and not as thick. 







Avocado Pancakes - Paleo, Keto

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***This post contains affiliate links which means we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase, but thats ok, because we only advertise businesses from our collective that meet our strict health guidelines...and it's what keeps our page up and running***

I am so super excited to bring you this recipe!

Truth be told - I started out making avocado pancakes from a recipe I saw circulating on facebook from 'Avocado Farmers Australia' or something of the like.... aaaand I'm pretty sure they just slapped some ingredients together and said it worked, when it actually didn't. It was like Avocado Soup...a really disturbing Avocado Soup.

So, I was in the kitchen making these 'crap cakes' and my biggest little man, Seth, was SO excited for Pancakes. Being a Paleo Keto household, these types of foods are a rarity and usually I only make them on special occasions... so from this you can imagine the excitement of a 3 year old! When I poured the batter into the pan, it was putrid, so I was left to don my thinking cap and try and find a way to fix them so little mate wasn't disappointed. Must say - my brain was amazing and what we were left with was delightfully fluffy on the inside, and crispy on the outside - Legit everything a pancake should be!

Now, the pancakes I had were savoury. Myself and the twins enjoyed ours with a beautiful spoonful of Kehoe's Beetroot Vegan Cream Cheese, alfalfa sprouts, walnuts and beetroot slices - however my biggest Little man Seth enjoyed his with Raw organic Honey and some natural Coconut Yoghurt. This is super exciting because it means these pancakes are super versatile! I will write the recipe up for the basic pancake batter, and you can use your imagination with what you put in them depending on if you want savoury or sweet pancakes.

In the savoury ones I put Cumin, Salt & Pepper, and in the Sweet ones for Seth, I left as plain batter and then just drizzled the honey on top. Obviously common sense needs to play a part here because if you're keto and want sweet pancakes, you'll have to use a low carb sweetener like Xylitol- but in doing so makes the pancakes not entirely paleo. So it's up to you. If you're having these as a treat, don't worry too much... just make sure whatever you use will fit your macros and see you remain in ketosis. 

I haven't added the Protein, Fat and Carb content to this recipe because it will change dependent on the size of the avocado you use, and whether you decide to have savoury or sweet pancakes, so you will have to weigh and track the whole recipe and divide it by how many you eat. It really isn't difficult. 

So Enjoy, and as per usual let me know what you think in the comments below!


Time - 25m -

Serves - 3 Serves of 3 piklets -


What you need:

Non Stick Fry Pan

Food Processor/Vitamix/Aggression and a beater

Melted Ghee or Coconut Oil (for cooking)

1 Large Ripe Avocado

2 Large Eggs

1/2 Cup Almond Milk

1 Tablespoon Water

Pinch of Salt

1 Tablespoon Coconut Flour

1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder

Add your flavours - Cumin and Pepper is nice for savoury Pancakes, or Xylitol or a sweetener of choice for Sweet Pancakes


What to do:

In a food processor ( or you could use a bowl and a vitamix, or just use your arm muscles and mash and beat and get that anger out!) place all the ingredients and blend until you reach and smooth creamy consistency that resembles pancake Batter. 

Let the batter sit for five minutes for the coconut flour to absorb some of the moisture. 

Heat your non stick pan on the stove with the oil of choice on a medium heat. Once the oil is melted, place in a teaspoon of batter. If the batter is too loose, the mixture will spread and be thin. If so, add a teaspoon more coconut flour to the batter until the mixture is thicker. 

Once desired thickeness of batter has been achieved, place batter in the pan (approximately 2 tablespoons per pancake for pikelet size) and cook on medium heat until bubbles start to form on the top of the pancake. 

Once you see bubbles, using a spatula, flip the pancakes over and cook on the other side for 1 minute.

Stack, top with your favourite dressings and serve!



Turmeric Curry - Paleo, Keto


THE COLD WEATHER IS HERE! HELLO CURRY! HELLO STEW! HELLO CASSEROLE!!!!!! I'VE MISSED YOU! (Totally was not meat to rhyme but I'm so glad it did)

This recipe is seriously so delicious, and even better, it is really good for you. We all know turmeric, and we all know how good it is for you! If you need a refresher though on why turmeric is the bee's knees, then check THIS LINK out!

There are a lot of misconceptions about the Ketogenic Diet. Most people think that the keto diet is eating tons and tons of fats, and that's simply not true. There are two types of Ketogenic Diet and both serve a completely different purpose. 

Medicinal Ketosis is a ketogenic diet that was created to aid at improving cognitive function in those with impaired mental function. The brain is 80% fat, and when consuming high fat in a ketogenic diet, it provides the brain with a long and stable fuel source for the brain to function. It has proven beneficial for some epileptic patients in reducing seizures, and aiding memory retention in some Alzheimer's patients. A recent study confirmed that some alzheimers patients showed an immediate increase in memory retention after consuming just one tablespoon of coconut oil. 

Pretty impressive hey?! However eating large amounts of fat is not really condusive of fat loss when it comes to people using this diet for weight loss. The idea of the Ketogenic Diet is that your body is able to burn fat for energy - ergo - when you run out of consumed fat, your body will begin to access stored body fats for energy. Well - if you're consuming large quantities of fat, that doesn't always happen. Some see weight loss, and some see weight gain and some, well they see no difference at all! And while some see great results at the start, it often leaves people in a weight loss 'stall' because they're eating too much fat to give their body the opportunity to switch over to burn the bodies sources. 

However, there are some really large down sides to following a high fat ketogenic diet for long periods of time. For one, it can be hard on the kidneys in those who have impaired kidney function, and is also proven to cause issues with eye sight in others as it can constrict arteries. And of course, we can't forget that not consuming adequate protein will result in Lean Body Mass wastage, Organ Wastage and hair falling out. There is no guarantee the weight you are losing on a high fat ketogenic diet is actually fat loss, because without adequate protein intake, the body will burn muscle, and if this goes on long enough - eventually Organs. You can read more about the science of high fat vs high protein ketogenic diets at

Then there's Keto for weight loss, which is Nutritional Ketosis. This ketogenic diet was created for weight loss, to ensure that the weight that is lost is actually FAT loss, and not muscle wastage. Nutritional Ketosis is low carb, moderate fat and high protein and operates on the principle of 'carbs as a limit, protein as a goal and fat as a lever'. This means you eat adequate protein to ensure no LBM wastage, minimal carbs to ensure ketosis, and then moderate fat which you can use as a lever. If you eat less fat in a day, then your body will switch to burning stored body fat sooner, if you consume more fat, then your body will be delayed in burning body fat. 

In addition, Protein holds more nutritional density than Fat. This means that you are getting more micronutrients and nourishing your body more thoroughly on a high protein keto diet, than you are on a high fat keto diet. Remember - just because you are thin, it doesn't mean you are healthy. For people wanting to lose weight, the goal should be regaining health just as much as it should be fat loss. 

So there are the basics of the ketogenic diet. I should actually just do a keto blog - which I will get around to one day. But for now, this is why one serve of this meal is 3 chicken drumsticks. Protein. 

In order to get your macros for this meal, you need to put your thinking cap on, and admittedly some of this will be a guessing game when it comes to the sauce. For myself, I entered 'one serve' of coconut cream into my macro tracker, and then made sure I put minimal sauce on my plate just to be safe. 

So! get those scales ready, and get ready for some serious delicious ness. As per usual, write a comment below and let me know your thoughts! 

If you are after some support/more information for a ketogenic diet, join the facebook group 'Wholefood Keto' - just click HERE.


Time - 1.5 hrs -

Serves - 2 -


What you need:

Casserole Pot

Tablespoon Coconut Oil

6 Chicken Drumsticks

1 Red Onion

1 Small/Medium Sweet Potato

1 can AYAM Coconut Cream

1 flat teaspoon Turmeric (Higher Cucurmin % the better)

1 flat teaspoon Curry Powder

1/2 teaspoon Cumin

1 teaspoon Oregano

2 cloves Garlic

1/2 Stalk Lemongrass thinly sliced 

juice of 1/2 Lemon

1 Bunch Broccolini 

Salt & Pepper


What to do:

Heat the casserole pot, add coconut oil, onion & Garlic and saute until tender and translucent. 

Pour in coconut cream, and add Oregano, Cumin, Curry Powder, Turmeric and Black Pepper and stir until completely yellow. Add the chicken drumsticks, sweet potato and lemon grass and mix until thoroughly coated.

Let simmer for 40 minutes with the lid on.  

Cut broccolini into thirds and add to the pot and keep the lid off and simmer for an additional 15 minutes. Add Lemon Juice and salt and pepper to taste and serve. 

One Serve contains 3 chicken drumsticks, half a bunch of broccolini which is about 3-4 spears, and around 40 grams sweet potato depending on the size of the sweet potato you choose. 

