Recipe Book

My very own recipe compilation of Anti inflammatory and healing foods and meals. Nutrient dense meals ready to rock your mind, body and kitchen. With some helpful info along the way...

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Baby Rice Bites


As parents, we are always trying to find nutritious recipes for our children... and with a lot of us battling the clock daily, it can be really hard and exhausting (not to mention a heinously time consuming task) to pre make foods and freeze them. 

Let's be honest... make ahead meals are a STEALLAR idea! They really are. But with our lives being so full on these days, the only time we really have to un wind is in the evening - if you're kids go to bed early enough and before you pass out after a massive day - or the weekend - and then it's family time and you're stuck between time with the family, washing, dishes, cleaning to get ready for the week ahead. So really... having to sacrifice MORE of your relaxing time or special one on one time with your Luvahh to get everything ready and prepped for the week ahead... to me is just unfair. 

So I thought I'd share what I do to help myself get ahead for the week, but also keep on top of the diets for all in the family by making nutritious meals without sacrificing as much time as I would have too if I did week ahead prep with freezable meals. 

Each to their own, but this is what I do and it works. 

SO! Whenever I'm cooking a meal, I always make a little extra when what I am making is foods that can be re heated and re served... like pasta sauce, mashed sweet potato, etc. This isn't limited to just dinner. I also do it for what ever we have for breakfast and lunch! But what if I'm not making meals that can be re heated? Or something spicy that my babies aren't ready to try yet? Then I simply make other things, when I have a lull in what I'm cooking. For example, If I am cooking Roast chicken and vegetables, I peel and grate extra vegetables to make baby food, and put a pot of water on so it's there if I need it. Sometimes I'll make some rice, or GF Quinoa Pasta, or Quinoa, even chick peas and lentils. All of these things are great because you can put them on to cook and not have to tend to them much and you can always leave the grated vegetables raw (my fave), or if you chop them then throw them in the pot as well with what ever grain or legume you are cooking. The brilliance in doing this is, if you don't need the water in the end, you can just empty the pot, run a tea towel around it and put it back in the drawers. I do this while the chicken is cooking and I'm waiting to put the vegetables in the oven.  I like doing it this way because this is time I wouldn't be sitting and relaxing anyway because I'd be cooking dinner, so it makes sense to me to just re arrange the things I'm doing and be more constructive with the time I am actually in the kitchen. 

When I made these little Rice bites, I was cooking a vegetable frittata. It already had carrot and zucchini in it, so I grated extra for these bites and left them to the side. When the Frittata went into the oven, I then measured and got the rice ready. While the rice was cooking, I organised my storage for the rice bites, and when the rice was ready, I added the vegetables and placed the lid back on to cool while we ate. Then the frittata was ready. I pulled the frittata out of the oven to cool on the bench until able to the handled and tidied up while cooling. Served Dinner, once everyone had finished eating, the rice and vegetable mix was cool enough to be handled and I rolled into the balls and stored them away. 

It's all about utilising the time you DO have and doing the most you can in that time! I realise this method isn't for everyone, but it certainly works for me! I am a busy mum of 3 under 3, I run my own business from home and am studying - so at the end of the day I want to sit down with my tea, and relax. Not run around the house and go to bed all stressed wondering if I've done everything. This is why I've found this method extremely helpful.

Anyhow! On with the rest!

In our house, I follow a STRICT Paleo lifestyle for myself. I have so many health concerns that are upset by grains, processed foods, additives, sugar, dairy and am coeliac so no gluten here ( and there wouldn't be even if we weren't a coeliac household - shits nasty )... so we generally don't have things like rice laying around. For our three year old son and hubby, they follow the same eating practices that I do. However since having the twins, I have just wanted to introduce things like Rice, Teff, Chickpeas, Lentils etc to them, so there are no adverse reactions in future. They don't eat this stuff all the time, but in my personal opinion, I feel it is important to introduce a wide range of foods to babies as young as you can. So I always keep a pack of chick peas, Organic Arborio Rice, and Quinoa etc on board just so they have a little variety every now and then. 

If you are going to feed your bubs rice, I ask this with sincere PLEADING! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEEE only give them organic rice. Rice crops are sprayed with arsenic to rid rats from the crops... which means, you guessed it, arsenic remains on the rice when you feed it to your family. This includes all rice snacks, normal rice, rice cakes, biscuits, you name it. Please only ever choose Certified Organic and make sure it has the logo that ensures the product is properly certified organic and not just trademarked. ( Yes, companies can pay for a trademark for Organic which means the product doesn't actually have to be organic ). Apart from the rice being organic, please make sure when you feed your little ones that you give them organic produce where possible. This is important because we want them to be eating the skin on vegetables and fruits to make sure they are getting great amounts of fibre and pre biotics for their little digestions. I understand not everyone can afford to do this... and you know what - if you don't do it at all that's totally fine. But here's a simple suggestion if you can't afford a completely organic produce shop but want to do the best by your fam - If you eat the skin, buy organic, if you throw the skin away you can choose normal veg and fruit. This way you are getting the best of both worlds, price and health.

This recipe is so simple you'll love me for it. And it makes about 6 - 7 serves of Rice bites so you can freeze them and pull them out in the morning to defrost in the fridge as you need them. When making these, you need to use a sticky rice like Arborio. I like to keep food for the babies as simple as possible (actually, even for us all) as our digestion can only handle so much at a time. The less ingredients something has, the easier it is for the body to break down and absorb the nutrients. This is why I like using a sticky rice, so I don't have to add a binding agent like Egg or Chia also limits the amount of time in the kitchen and your dishes while eliminating needing to do a second lot of cooking to cook through the egg if that's what you use to bind the mixture together. So sticky rice = less fuss, less mess and lessssss stress!

When adding the vegetables to the pot, since the veggies for this are grated, I prefer them to be raw. It ensures maximum nutrients and enzymes remain in the food, so I only ever add the vegetables to the pot once the rice has already absorbed all the water and the heat is turned off. Of course you can add them earlier if you like, it's totally up to you. I just prefer maximum nutrients through less heat administration. 

Well! Since I've told you all my tips and tricks, I best get on with the recipe!

As usual, if you give it a go, let me know in the comments and share far and wide to make sure we are showing mums and dads all over how easy it can be to make something nutritious for our little loves!




Serves - 6-7 depending on size rolled.

Time - 20 Minutes plus Cooling and Rolling Time - 

Age - 8 months +


What you need:

1 Cup Organic Arborio Rice

Water amount as per the absorption method instructions for the rice on the packet ( handy hint - use bone or vegetable broth instead of water for added nutrition)

1 Whole Grated Organic Carrot

1 Whole Grated Organic Zucchini (including stem on the top)


What to do:

Cook your rice as per the absorption method on the back of the packet of rice you are using with the water or broth.

Grate your Carrot and Zucchini and give a little squeeze to get rid of some of the water. It doesn't have to be extremely dry, just to rid the excess. 

Once the Rice has absorbed the water (or broth) add the grated veg and mix thoroughly. 

Let sit until cool enough to handle. 

Once you are able to handle the mixture, roll into balls. The size will be up to your discression based on how old you little one(s) is/are.

Serve Warm, or place in container and refrigerate. You can also freeze them and then pull them out in the morning the day you need them. 

I find my twins enjoy about 4 each per serve (if they aren't having anything else with the meal)

Voila! Enjoy!



Banana Cream Pie - Raw, Vegan, Paleo


Well while todays kitchen made something sweet, it comes with a heavy heart... haha that makes this recipe sound so much sadder than it should.

Today I baked myself a cake... a cake for my birthday. Ok, not really a cake, a pie really. But still, I made it for myself because *sigh* I turn 30 tomorrow. I know those of you that are older than me will say "that's still young" or "I loved my 30's" and I get that... but don't forget you probably also felt a little odd finally hitting your 30's as well. I just really don't understand how time flies so quickly! It really feels like in a flash the last 10 years have darted past me and I've just been standing here watching it happen. I have achieved SO much in the last 6 years alone though and I have SO much to be grateful for... I guess it just feels like the end of an era. Tomorrow I will wake up and no longer be in the bracket 18-29.... I will be in the next bracket when I tick boxes on forms - 30-40. And that, my friends, feels like a shock!

So! As I usually do when I get a little sad, I take to the kitchen and remind myself, that even when I'm old... I'm a bloody amazing cook *insert cheeky face here*. But seriously... every time I'm feeling down... the kitchen has an amazing way of bringing me back down to earth and re energising me. There's something really beautiful and calming about cooking and baking. Taking chances on new recipes, trying other peoples amazing recipes, just throwing caution to the wind and whacking anything together and seeing what happens. While the risk may be small, it still makes the day that bit more exciting to see how or if something will work out and when it does, watching my amazing family enjoy the food I make, really makes my heart and soul warm, fuzzy and happy. 

It goes without saying that If I have to turn 30, then I'm eating cake... and I will eat as much cake as I like... cake for breakfast, cake for morning tea, lunch, in the bath, with wine, after dinner, in bed... you name it, tomorrow there will be cake in, on and around me. 

While I sat here this morning (wallowing in self pity of turning 30) and staring at the quickly ripening banana's on the kitchen table and thinking "I really got over excited with the amount of fruit I bought this fortnight", I also found myself slowly gathering random ingredients and grabbed the bananas. Truth be told, when I started making this, I was going to make a pudding... but when I have a bit of pent up frustration ( get your mind out of the gutter ) , I find that I need something to chew on, and that's when I decided to turn it into a pie and add a base. 

You could pop the base into the oven to crisp it up a little bit. That would actually be delicious. But I decided since there is a large likelihood of me eating a whole cake on my own tomorrow, that I had better keep as many nutrients in tact as possible so I'm not just eating empty calories. If you do decide to pop the base into the oven for the little bit, please let me know how it goes. I reckon it would taste amazing!

If you are a frequenter of this website, and have tried the Citrus 'Cheese'cake, you will notice that some of the ingredients here over lap with that recipe. I find that most raw cakes are usually made of the same base so it's not really a shock. Providing you have the flavour in mind that you want to use, you can pretty much adapt the cheese cake recipe to make anything you like and use the coconut oil as a lever as to how firm or soft you want the final product to be. Most of the difference in this pie versus the 'cheese' cake is the way it's presented, and that this has less coconut oil to make it not set as solid...also the fact that I have never had a banana cheese cake and I'm not too sure that it would taste particularly good!

Most of the ingredients for this recipe you will find in your pantry which is really handy! And those that aren't already in your pantry won't be hard to find at all. I do like to add Collagen and Pro Biotics to any of my recipes that are raw and remain in the fridge. As I have said before, I am a big believer in Food as Medicine and therefore like to add an extra nutritional boost wherever I can. If you are strictly Vegan, you can sub the collagen/gelatine for Agar Agar for a similar nutritional boost. I know that powdered pro biotic powder and collagen can be harder to come by, so you can purchase the powder I use HERE and you can purchase the Great Lakes Gelatin/Collagen supplement I use HERE. Of Course If you really don't want to add these products you don't have too. They make no difference in the structure of the pie, they are strictly there for nutritional value. 

While I was making this I was thinking that it would actually work to add a bit of turmeric as well...this of course will brighten the colour of the pie instead of it being the off - white colour that it is and also will pack a nutritional punch... but I decided against. The next time I make it I will add it and see how it goes. 

On the top of my pie in the picture you will see there is Raw Chocolate and Caramel. Those recipes are all my own recipes. You can access the Raw Chocolate recipe HERE and the Salted Caramel Recipe HERE. There is something about Bananas and caramel that just works, and adding the little bit of raw dark chocolate was great because having banana and caramel can be a little too sweet depending on your palate. You of course don't have to add anything to the top. It looks beautiful the way it is, but I was feeling fancy and for once I had some time up my sleeve to make it a little bit extra special!

So I've crapped on enough now, the recipe is below and as per usual... if you make it, chuck a comment below and shareeeee far and wide so others can enjoy some healthy deliciousness in their lives!


Serves - 8 - 

Time - 45 Minutes - Plus setting time


What you Need:

Pyrex Pie Dish ( or any pie dish )


220g Roasted Mixed Nuts ( or nuts of choice ) 

2 Tablespoons Raw Organic Maple Syrup

1 Tablespoon Melted Coconut Oil

1/2 Cup Fine Desiccated Coconut

2 Tablespoon Flaxseed

1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon



220g Raw Organic Cashews ( Soaked Over Night, or for non Raw Version, in boiling water for 1 hour )

Can of Coconut Cream ( In Fridge Over Night and drain Water, use solids that remains )

1 Over ripe Banana

1 Teaspoon Nutmeg

1 Teaspoon Cinnamon

2 Tablespoons Raw Organic Maple Syrup

1 Cup Melted Coconut Oil

Pinch of Salt

If adding - 2 Tablespoons Collagen or Agar Agar, 1 Teaspoon Pro Biotic Powder


What to do:



In a Food processor ( I use the processor attachment on a Nutri ninja ) add all of the ingredients for the crust and process until combined. The Maple needs to be evenly combined amongst it all so it goes firm in the fridge. Don't pulverise until it goes liquid. You want there to still be some chunks to the nuts. Think Crushed nuts on the top of a sundae... that's the type of texture you want. 

Once everything is processed, push firmly into the bottom of your pie dish. I use a pyrex pie dish for mine. There is no need to pre grease the tray. Because this isn't baked it won't stick to the bottom. 

Place the base into the freezer while you prepare the filling. 




Soak your cashews over night ( for a raw version ) but if you aren't phased on if it is raw or not, you can fasten this process up by covering your cashews in boiling water and covering with a lid for an hour. 

Once your cashews are soaked, place in your high powered food processor with all the other ingredients and blend until smooth and airy. Now I was doing this in the food processor attachment of my Nutri ninja, but I noticed it was somewhat grainy in texture. So I transferred the contents to the Cup Blender ( Similar to the Nutri Bullet ) as it processes things much more fine. This is what gives the creamy texture instead of grainy. You can't do it in the cup processor first as it isn't big enough and your ingredients won't be evenly combined. It is well worth the extra dishes if its grainy, to transfer after the food processor to the cup processor like the Nutri Bullet and blend until no lumps remain. 

Pull the base from the freezer and pour in your filling. 

If you are going to decorate with the Raw Chocolate, place the pie into the fridge and let a skin develop on the top of the pie before you drizzle the chocolate over the top. This stops the chocolate from 'seeping' and making the pie top look messy. Then place a dollop of you Salted Caramel Sauce on top.


Place in the fridge for four hours or until set. You can also freeze the pie to make ahead and pull out and place in the fridge to thaw over night!









Dark Chocolate - Raw, Vegan, Paleo, Refined Sugar Free


Hey guyssssss. 

I am SO excited today. Seriously. SO Excited! I have not only managed to make a delicious Dark actually tastes like dark chocolate! 

So many times I have tried to make Raw chocolate and it's always with coconut oil... and I'm not gunna lie... the taste after a while... phwoar. Well, needless to say you can get sick of it pretty quickly. 

I am in love with two brands of chocolate in this world. They are Pana Chocolate and Loving Earth. And this recipe I kid you not, is close to my favourite Dark Loving Earth Chocolate. Ok, clearly theirs has more depth of flavour, but this, I tell you, is close. Absolutely delicious and how perfect is this for Christmas! I got this amazingly cute little mould from Kmart about 3 years ago and I love it. They really have some great things if you get there at the right time. This mould cost $2 and it's silicone so you can freeze AND bake in it! I know right... your mind right now is like KABOOM!!!!!


When you make this recipe, it's really important to maintain the nutritional value of the honey or maple syrup and cacao. When foods get too hot their nutrient content depletes dramatically. Especially when it comes to Raw Organic honey and Raw Organic're spending the money to buy good honey and don't ruin it by over heating it. If you do that, you get absolutely none of the health benefits, and are just ingesting sugar. So I recommend adding the sweetener of your choice at the very last moment to make sure the mixture is as cool as humanly possible. It can be a little tricky because it also has to be warm enough that the honey or maple will somewhat melt and distribute evenly amongst the mixture. But providing you don't heat the cacao butter more than 46 degrees in the first place, you don't have to worry about this step. 


So! Things that will be helpful in making this are - Moulds and a Thermometer. A Mould is great if you want to make little chocolates like I have above. These are great because you can wrap them in little cute gift bags for presents, or to hang off your Christmas tree. However, if you don't have a mould, fear not, because you can just line a baking sheet with baking paper and pour the mixture on. You could then chop up some nuts, perhaps add some beautiful dried fruits and sprinkle on top (try grated orange zest!) and then when it's set, break it up into bark chunks. This actually looks super cute as a Chrissy gift as well if you pop the pieces of bark into little cellophane bags and tie with a ribbon. The Thermometer is going to be your friend for making sure you don't heat over 46 degrees, HOWEVER, if you are willing to compromise SLIGHTLY the nutrient value of the cacao butter, you can just place it into a sauce pan, and leave over a light heat until half of the butter is melted. Take away from the heat and then stir until the remaining pieces are melted. 

For this recipe I prefer to use the Loving Earth Cacao Butter. The reason for this is it is grated and that means all different sizes. Because some are granule sizes, it doesn't take long to heat at all.

As you can see from the picture, a lot of it is really small so it takes minimal heat to melt which means chances are you won't go over 46 degrees Celsius.  But if you want to be extra careful, get a thermometer involved :)

So with Christmas coming at us full steam ahead, I'm making sure this year (like I do every year) that I eat sweets in moderation. And while my whole family doesn't follow my eating principles, I will be making some of these beauties to take with me to my parents to at least have a semi-healthy option. 

I seem to add this into every sweet recipe that I do, and today will be no exception. So I stress, Just because there is unrefined sugar in this, it doesn't mean it's a free for all to eat as much of it in one sitting as humanly possible. Honey and Maple while having so many health benefits, is still a form of sugar and will give you the same effects as refined sugar if you eat too much. So go easy. Be mindful when you eat and savour the food and experience it. Doing this makes it likely to stop you from over indulging. 

So Enjoy - and if you try the recipe, always to be sure to comment below and let me know how you went!



Serves - 12 - (1 Piece per serve)

Time - 10 Minutes - 


What you need:

125 grams Organic Raw Cacao Butter

5 Tablespoons Raw Organic Cacao Powder 

2 Tablespoons Raw Organic Honey or Maple

1/2 Vanilla Bean

1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon

1/2 Teaspoon Nutmeg


What to do:

In a saucepan, melt your cacao butter to no higher than 46 Degrees Celsius to melt and then remove from heat ( If you don't have a thermometer, place over heat until half the butter is melted, turn off heat and stir to melt the rest)

Once off the heat, add the cacao powder, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir until combined. 

Add the Vanilla bean and Honey/Maple and stir until the sweeter of choice has dissolved. 

Pour into your silicone mould (no need to grease it) or pour onto your parchment paper. Place in the fridge if it is a hot day (you may notice the top of the chocolate turn white as the butter will solidify before the rest, this is normal and still fine to eat) or if it is a cool day or your kitchen is cool, leave on a table to solidify. 

Once the Chocolate has turned hard, place in the fridge for 30 minutes before handling for wrapping etc. 



Voila !




Salted Caramel Sauce - Paleo, Vegan, Refined Sugar Free


Christmas is upon us! And despite the fact that it is only November, Christmas is EVERYWHEREEEEEE. I mean seriously. It seems to get earlier and earlier every year. Wouldn't surprise me if people start putting up their decorations in September if I'm being honest.

I myself, am dreading putting the tree up this year. With 3 kids under 3, I know my eldest will be ready to have at it the minute it's up...and my 8 month old twins that are now on the move, let just say - it's gunna be a hectic month of 'No!!!!!' and 'Don't touch!'. This year I think I will just don the Christmas lights and leave the other decorations hidden safely away until they are old enough to understand. 

Anyway! Since it is everywhere already I thought I had better get a head start to get my Christmas recipe collection up quick smart so all of you can enjoy beautiful treats, that are healthy and nourishing. 

When I say healthy and nourishing, can we please touch on the fact that this recipe still contains Sugar. It may be Raw Organic Honey ( Or raw Maple if you choose ) but at the end of the day, it is still sugar. It will react in your body the same as sugar, and cause all those nasty side effects that sugar does when you consume too much. So while it's a more easily absorbed and processed sugar by our body, and is unrefined, we just have to make sure that we aren't over doing it! A great time to practice Mindfulness with our food. 

The Keto version of this is absolutely delicious as well. You just don't add the honey or maple. Coconut cream contains its own natural sugars, so without the added sugar, you can still caramelise the coconut cream. It just won't be as sweet. But if you're keto anyway, you've most likely forgotten what sugar tastes like.

This recipe is SO super simple that it will help even the worst cooks conquer Christmas and leave a lasting impression on family and friends! I promise you!

When this sauce is warm, it is perfect to drizzle or dunk... but if you pop it in the fridge, it will also go solid, a spoonable solid... which is amazing for scooping and placing on something like a Raw Brownie ( Click HERE for our Raw Brownie Recipe ) The possibilities with this sauce are endless! I like to put my sauce on top of Banana Smoothie Bowls! It's SOOOOO yum! I am working on a recipe to post later this week with a burnt banana smoothie and caramel drizzle (yes I know... YUM!) so watch this space. 

I even made this sauce for my eldest 2nd birthday. I sliced up some beautiful fresh fruits, and drizzled this sauce over and called them Fruit Nachos. A massive hit with the kids! Especially when topped with Cacao Nibs! Yummo!

Anyhow! Enjoy and as always let me know what you think if you give it a go!


Serves - 5-6

Time - 20 minutes - 


What you need:

1 Can of Organic Coconut Cream (The size of the can will determine the amount of sauce you get)

2 Tablespoons of Raw Organic Honey or Maple ( Omit for Keto Version )

Pinch Salt

1/2 Vanilla Bean Pod


What to do:

In a Deep Sauce Pan, add your Coconut Cream Contents and Honey/Maple

Bring to a boil, and then reduce to simmer.

With a whisk, mix once the mixture is boiling to remove some of the heat while lowering the heat. Once the heat bubbles subside and the mixture is simmering, keep a close eye and watch as the colour changes. This can take up to 15 minutes (longer if you have a large amount of coconut cream). Watch it carefully because there is a fine line between Caramel and Charcoal.

Once you have the desired colour (In my photo above) turn off the heat, and add your vanilla bean and salt. It will look like the mixture is somewhat separated until you stir it. Stir it well and it will thicken and turn glossy. 


Place into a jar and leave on the table during dinner. If you are making it ahead for the next day, I would suggest placing it in the fridge and bringing it out in the morning of the next day. If it isn't runny enough to drizzle by the time you need it, just place the jar in a bath of warm water until the desired consistency is reached. 




Baby Food - Mango, Spinach, Zucchini with Flax & Chia


So I think I am giving up on trying to find a nice way to present baby food, until I manage to find cute little glass jars. Despite the fact that this picture has an inability to not make you want to go ahead and grab a spoon, this mix is a really nutritious meal for baby. 

Flaxseed and Chia have so many health benefits that are great for adults and everyone in-between, but in particular for the growing brain in infants. Good fats provide an amazing source of energy as well as fat soluble vitamins like DHA which helps to support healthy brain and eye development and an amazingly healthy immune system.

If you read the recipe blog for Pear, Pea & Chia, you would probably remember me saying in there that my Maternal Child Health Nurse advised against giving Chia seeds until 8 months as it can POTENTIALLY cause constipation. The way I see it, lessen the dose of chia seeds and make sure they're soaked and absorbed a liquid before giving to baby, so they still reap the reward of their nutrition, without creating an issue with the bowel. To be honest I'm a bit confused as to why she would say they can cause constipation as chia seeds are also high in fibre which should bulk the stool. So in my next appointment I will clarify this with her. I have been giving my twin infants Chia seeds since they started solids at 6 months, and they are loving them and have had no issues. 

I'll also never understand why you would avoid giving them this rich source of fibre and good fats, yet they feel its acceptable to feed infants Rice Cereal Baby Mum-MuM packaged products. For those of you that don't know, Rice is sprayed with arsenic to rid Rats from crops. So when you eat rice, unless it's organic, you are also consuming some arsenic. That's a disaster! Why would they recommend we feed this to our children? So that's apparently ok to feed our infants, but healthy chia seeds aren't. And this is why I now do my own thing and just feed my kids what I eat. A good balance of meat, fish, nuts, seeds, eggs, fruit and Veg. It really couldn't be simpler. The thing is, us parents get all in our heads. It's a constant battle of 'Are we teaching them enough?' 'Are we paying them enough attention?' 'What do we feed them?' 'How much is too much?' 'How much is not enough?' and quite frankly, I'm sick of it. Children don't come with a manual so I'm doing what I do and I'll learn from mistakes I make along the way. 

What I love about this recipe is it is great for breakfast and lunch and even dinner really. It's got a bit of fruit happening so it's beautiful and refreshing for them in the morning, and who honestly doesn't love fresh mango? and with good fats that will sustain energy throughout the day you can't go wrong with this for breakfast. But if you decide on it for lunch or dinner, you know that they are getting protein and vitamins from the seeds and veg as well. It really is a win. However, the thing I love most about this recipes is the fact that it takes about 10 minutes to prepare. Around 4 hours to let the seeds to their 'thang' but 10 minutes. That means I make it the night before, and it's there in the morning ready to rock and roll. 

I used to make this for my first born son as well and he loved it. Now the twins love it. So I'm going out on a whim here and going to say that your babies will love it too. And if they don't try and try again. 

Now if you are feeding from 4 months, I would blend this much more fine until it resembles a puree. However because my babies are nearing 8 months I like to pulse the food in my Nutri ninja and make sure it still has lumps because it's important they learn texture and how to chew. 

As this recipe contains chia seeds, it does need time for the seeds to soak up the fluid and 'set'. Please don't give your baby seeds that are not yet soaked as they soak up liquid in the gut and this can cause bowel irritation (perhaps this is where the constipation comes in?) Always make sure when giving chia to your child, that they have already absorbed liquid. And as per usual, please use organic ingredients where possible. Their bodies are so little and we really need to make sure we aren't filling them with pesticides and nasty chemicals from crop sprays. Especially as this recipe calls for Raw Spinach and Zucchini, you want to make sure they are as close to nature as humanly possible. 

I would love to hear your feedback from your littles ones if you make this. So as always, let me know how you go!


Serves -  2 to 4 - Depending on Age. 

Time : 10 m + 4 Hours setting time. 

What you need:

1 Organic Mango

1 Handful Organic Raw Spinach Leaves

1/2 Organic Raw Zucchini

1 Tablespoon Organic Flaxseeds

1 Tablespoon Organic Chia Seeds

High Speed Blender like Nutri Bullet, Blender or Ninja.


What to do:

Cut the cheeks off your mango, and scoop the flesh into your blender. Peel the skin off the seed and cut as much flesh off the seed as you can (or eat the flesh off the seed yourself.... like I do... no judgement)

Wash and cut your Zucchini - Leave the skin on as this has great fibre content. Grab a handful of your spinach leaves and wash thoroughly. Squeeze the leaves to rid the excess water and place the Zucchini and Spinach in the blender with the mango. 

Add your Flax and Chia seeds and Blend until either a puree forms, or until it is small enough for the age of your infant. 

Place in an air tight container and use within two days, or freeze in individual freezer pots for up to a month. 

Happy Baby, Happy Parents. 
